When you grab your Swonderful Shades you can picture our world thru colored glass. You will see things in a different way. Discover all the love, happiness, and peace in our world. When we go outside we are surrounded by good things and the world wants us to find them. We can hear, feel and see the world in a new way. Listen for an orchestra of music that shares special messages created just for us. We can begin to feel them alive inside our hearts and soul. We can carry them with us all the time in everything we Boo!
Learn what you are passionate about and love what you boo every booday. I have a passion for so many things, such as poetry, art and nature. When I get inspired and get excited about a new idea I have to write it down in my Book of Boo. One idea can grow into a boomongous idea. What inspires you ? Would you like to go get your Book of Boo and write it down? Gramazing ! When you are done please join me at the Boo Fan Club to see what other fans are booing in their communities to make a difference.